Corrado Pinna

Born in Turin in 1972. Graduated from the University of Turin in 1997. Member of the Bar of Turin since 2004. Legal advisor for the Codacons (2001-2011) and Movimento Consumatori (2012 to date) consumer associations, an expert in civil, labour and consumer law. In recent years, has in particular been involved in the protection of savings, supporting several civil lawsuits on behalf of investors damaged by financial crashes and has assisted hundreds of plaintiffs in major legal cases for corporate, financial and commercial fraud crimes. Was Legal Manager at the Italian HQ of an American multinational, active in the HR sector, dealing with the management of legal and administrative issues with the greatest impact on the business and HR sectors of the company, drafting and reviewing of standard contracts and framework agreements for HR and commercial services and, finally, litigation and industrial relations management.  From 2001 to 2004, held the position of Honorary Deputy Prosecutor at the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Turin, acting as hearing Public Prosecutor in more than 600 criminal proceedings. Since 2012 with the Fiorio Legal Firm in an Of Counsel capacity.

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