Financial Crimes

The firm assists private and foreign institutional investors, damaged by the dissemination of inaccurate economic information on financial markets, resulting from false disclosure, such as financial statements, prospectuses and interim reports, in civil and criminal proceedings. Thanks to the network of lawyers working throughout the country, coordinated by Fiorio, we are assisting more than 1,000 shareholders of Fondiaria Sai Spa and more than 300 shareholders of MPS. On 11 October 2016, the Court of Turin sentenced a number of the main top managers of Fondiaria Sai and those civilly liable to pay damages incurred as a result of the crimes of false corporate disclosures and market manipulation for all the more than 1,000 shareholders assisted by us. On 1 October 2016, 13 top managers of Banca Monte Paschi di Siena, Nomura International PLC London and Deutsche Bank AG London Branch were indicted, on charges of accounting fraud, market manipulation, false prospectuses and obstructing supervision. The firm, in the front line on the MPS case, will assist shareholders during proceedings to obtain compensation for all damages incurred.